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The Anne Martin Memorial Fund Student Presentation Award is awarded to the best student presentation at the annual WDA-A conference in recognition and support of students who undertake the study of wildlife disease. The winner is awarded $400. Student awards are available for WDA-A student members. 

The WDAA Student Travel Grant recipients.

These students were each awarded $500 to attend and present at the conference, organised via the Student Chapter:

There are also WDA Parent Body Student Awards - Find out what they are and how to apply here

Student Awards

Winner of the 2023 Anne Martin Memorial Fund Student Presentation Award

The judges for the 2023 student presentation award were so impressed by the high standard of talks, Honorable Mentions were presented to two additional talks:

Sarah Panigas for her talk on "Rapid diagnostic testing for a lizard respiratory virus”.

Zachary Lowe for his talk on “Cleft palate syndrome in the endangered spectacled flying fox (Pteropus conspicillatus)”.

Anna Langguth was the winner of the 2023 Anne Martin Best Student Presentation Award for her presentation entitled “Seasonal changes of white blood cell counts in the southern bent-winged bat (Miniopterus orianae bassanii)”.

Winner of the 2023 WDAA Student Travel Grant Recipients 

- Eliza Stott

- Zachary Lowe

- Emma Scheltema

- Jennifer Sullivan

- Anna Langguth

How to Apply

In order to be eligible for a WDA-A student awards, you will need to:


  • Be a Student member of the WDA-A Section of the Wildlife Disease Association, and

  • Submit an abstract for a poster or oral presentation for the annual WDA-A conference.

 Students will be assessed by a panel of at least four on the basis of

  • the quality, innovation and impact of the science,

  • the quality of visual aids,

  • the quality of delivery and style and

  • the relevance of the work to management of wildlife and ecosystem health.

Previous Winners of the Anne Martin Memorial Fund Student Presentation Award

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Image courtesy of Laura Grogan

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