A research stipend of $2000 is available from the Australasian Section of the Wildlife Disease Association (WDA-A) for a veterinary/biology/ecology project investigating aspects of health and disease in Australasian wildlife.
A panel of 4 WDA-A members will review the applications and choose the successful applicant/s.
Applications for the 2024 WDA-A Research Award are now open. Please scroll down for more information on how to apply.
Nominations closing date: 20th June 2024
Research Award
How to Apply
A research stipend of $2000 is available from the Australasian Section of the Wildlife Disease Association (WDA-A) for a veterinary/biology/ecology project investigating aspects of health and disease in Australasian wildlife.
Conditions of the Award
1. Applicant must be a current WDA-A member at the time of application
2. Application to be made by the individual conducting the research
3. Monies to be used to fund the project and not for salaries or major equipment
4. Results to be presented at an annual meeting of the Australasian Section
5. Section to be acknowledged in any publication of results.
A panel of 4 members will review the applications and choose the successful applicant.
Selection criteria for the Award
1. Merit: What is the intrinsic merit of the proposed project to wildlife health? How worthwhile would the project be if it did what it set out to do? For example, is there a target species? If so, what is its conservation status? What is the threat posed by the disease?
Scoring range 1 (low) to 5 (high).
2. Relevance and Scope: What is the relevance of the project to this threat? How likely is this project to do what it sets out to do? Is the proposed research well focused, can the anticipated results be applied and has there been care and clarity (writing/thinking) in the preparation of this proposal?
Scoring range 1 (low) to 5 (high).
3. Support: If this project is worthwhile by your assessment and already funded, would a “top-up” of $2000 boost it into another realm of value and benefit to wildlife health?
Scoring range 0 to 1.
The value for the Support category has been chosen in order not to penalise unduly those who do not have other funding for their proposed project.
All those who have applied unsuccessfully in previous years are encouraged to submit proposals again if their projects are still running or able to be run.
Applications are to be submitted in electronic format to Brett Gartrell and should briefly and concisely detail (one A4 page) the project outline, principal investigators and an anticipated budget breakdown. If part of a large project (e.g. PhD) indicate specifically what the funds would be used for.
Mail to: B.Gartrell@massey.ac.nz
Submissions that are longer than 1 A4 page (excluding references) will not be considered.
Nominations closing date: 20th June 2024
Winners of the 2023 Research Award
The Research Award aims to support veterinary, biology, and ecology projects investigating aspects of health and disease in Australasian wildlife. In 2023 we had many excellent applications and were able to award 4 applicants with $2k each and a further 2 applicants tied and were awarded $1k each.
Harry Taylor - 'The Epidemiology, Pathogenesis and Diagnostics of Respiratory Distress Syndrome and the associated Yellow Eyed Penguin Gyrovirus'
Anna Langguth - 'Investigating seasonal variation in immune parameters of the southern bent-winged bat'
Jordan Hampton - 'Validation of XRF for lead measurement in raptor feathers'
Jessica Mitchell - 'Exploring retroviruses in flying foxes: conservation implications and insights into viral evolution'
Belinda Wright - 'Validating and extending the use of koala fur as a sample to predict population health'
Natalie Klukowski - 'Developing an optimised ELISA for BFDV detection in Psittaculidae'
Previous WDA-A Research Award Winners
Image courtesy of Laura Grogan